
Showing posts from November, 2021

Mood trackers

A mood tracker can give you a lot of insight on any patterns your mood has, which can be key to getting the right help. I personally struggle with a few mood disorders and ADHD. With winter coming seasonal affective disorder is on its way for many of us. I have recently been having more issues with my moods, so I decided to start tracking them again. In the past I've used an app called Daylio . It is a wonderful simple tracker that gives a lot of insight. My only stumbling block with it was the journal tags. Journal tags can be used to find correlations between your mood and whatever tags you use. They say to use them as ways to find what makes you happiest. The problem for me is I know what makes me happy and I know often when I'm depressed those things don't make me happy. What I found I need to ask myself is what makes me sad and what effects my mood? I just started this up again, so my tags are just their suggested plus pain levels and weather conditions. I know weather...