Creating your own stop light list
If you've looked in low histamine diets or some other specialty diets, you might have seen a stop light list. There are three columns labeled red, yellow, and green. These stand for do not eat, eat occasionally or possibly dangerous, and safe to eat. When you first start trying to eat on a specialty diet life is made a lot easier by categorizing your foods this way. I recommend you type up the list then hang it on your fridge. As you think of more things that can go on the list add to the printed out list and occasionally go back and fix the original document so you can print it again. This keeps you organized and gives you a clear plan of what you have decided to eat in one central location. My stop light list looks like this: Red wheat (allergen) milk (allergen) citric acid (naturally occurring in fruits and added to products) lactose (again may be added into products) strawberries bananas avocado peanuts (allergen) Yellow ground meat refrigerated meat chocolate tuna fish ...